A Teachin' Skatin' Drinkin' Prayin' Vegan in Japan

Posts tagged “chinese tea

Utsubo Park and Cafe/Boutique Street

A little while back a friend of mine gave me a book called Osaka Field Trip. The book presents local eateries, galleries, cafes, bike routes, and historical spots with a caring, familiar manner. I have visited a few of the places in the book. I am so glad I got this book. Personally, the small cramped apartments of Japan do not offer the best relaxing atmosphere for studying or reading. Who wants to spend all their time off work cramped at home anyway? Therefore I am a big fan of quaint cafes, artistic hubs, and eclectic restaurants.

However I have a very high standard. Price, comfortable atmosphere, smoke-free, and VEGAN –  a hard bill to fulfill.

Recently I enjoyed a picnic lunch and walk in Utsubo Park – many trees, including cedars, a well-designed (however not blooming) rose garden and spacious area of greenery in the heart of Osaka makes this park a go to spot for center city dwellers and families.

But wait that’s not all!

Around the park there are little side streets. These little streets are packed with culture. Eclectic restaurants, cafes (like cante grande or bonsowa shiyokud), and clothing, accessories, or even handmade shoe boutiques all packed neatly together on the south side of the park near Yotsuyabashi station.

The park




Umm… Apples, and cardamom walnut pumpkin slices!

Cante Grande (Utsubo park and New Umeda location)- an eclectic Indian-inspired cafe. With a fantastic chai (six varieties to choose from!!), dessert chapati (can be made VEGAN!!), Chinese tea (with pot service and refillable!) I am sure the cafe lover of any palate would enjoy this lovely cafe. I loved he interior atmosphere, furniture, and homey feel. The best part though are the great large windows on the facing Utsubo park. Enjoy all the seasons of the park in a comfy wicker chair with cool or hot chai tea blended just to your liking.


Lapsang Souchong Tea = BOSS   The Chinese Tea list had 4 options. The black tea list 5 or 6. This tea aficionado was very pleased.

The menu included delicious looking curry sets with naan, rice, tandoori, a curry, and drink for a reasonable prices and fantastic looking pie, cakes (chiffon etc) for all you omnivores out there as well as the chapati pie.

IMG_0031Banana Cinnamon Chapati Pie!!



Interior Decor

ACCESS: Honmachi St. follow the signs for Utsubo Park once in the station. A MAP Take any subway line that connects to the Yotsuyabashi line and get off at the Honmachi Station. You can walk underground from the Midosuji to the Yotsuyabashi line Honmachi Station but I don’t suggest it (Its a crazy maze of going around, up and down, back and forth with lots of stairs…)

You can also walk from the Azawa Station on the Sennichi Line but it’s farther away.